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莱昂内尔 法特伦
发布时间:2018年05月24日  来源:  作者:  阅读:24

【Expertise - 专业】

International relations and security, neoclassical realism 国际关系和国际安全、新古典现实主义

Military affairs and civil-military relations 军事事务及军政关系

International and security dynamics in East and Southeast Asia, China-Japan-US relations, Japans defense policy 东亚及东南亚的国际安全动态、中日美三角关系、日本防务政策


【Professional experiences - 职业经历】

March 2017 – present  Research Institute for the History of Global Arms Transfer, Meiji University, Tokyo Research Collaborator. Collaboration on various research projects related to arms control and arms transfer

2017年3月至今 担任日本东京明治大学全球武器转让史研究所合作研究员                           



August 2016 - present Webster University, Dept. of International Relations, Geneva Assistant Professor (Lecturer until June 2018)


Research Methods and Perspectives (graduate level) - 研究方法和研究角度(研究生课程)

Asian Area Studies: International Relations and Security of the Asia-Pacific (graduate level)


International Affairs (graduate level) - 国际事务 (研究生课程)

Introduction to Political Theory (undergraduate level) - 国际政治理论(本科生课程)

Introduction to International Relations (undergraduate level) - 国际关系理论(本科生课程)


November 2015 - September 2017 Centre de recherches internationales, Sciences Po, Paris Research Associate


Research on civil-military relations and threat perception, neoclassical realism and inappropriate balancing



December 2015 - December 2016  Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Geneva Postdoctoral Fellow

2015年12月至2016年12月担任日内瓦安全政策研究中心 博士后研究员

Research on international relations and security dynamics in Asia -


Teaching in the different courses provided by the Centre - 教授多项国际关系领域的课程

Advisor to students enrolled in the MAS - International and European Security (UNIGE-GCSP)          



February 2010 - July 2010 International Committee of the Red Cross, Tokyo Assistant Political Officer

2010年2月至2010年7月担任日本东京国际红十字会 助理政治事务官员

Drafting of prison visits and restoring family links projects - 负责监狱探访以及建立家庭联系等事务

Research on conflicts and humanitarian issues - 从事国际争端以及人道主义等项目的研究

Liaison activities with the Japanese civil society, the Japanese Red Cross and regional offices of the ICRC – 



May 2009 - September 2009 Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, Tokyo  Research Assistant


Research for the Long Peace Project, analyzing the causes of the enduring international stability in East Asia - 研究项目:永久和平工程、分析东亚地区能够实现长期稳定的具体根源


September 2008 - March 2009 Mandat International, Geneva Project Assistant


Management of the NGO Welcome Desk project - 从事与非政府组织的联络工作

Representative of Mandat International to the U.N. Human Rights Council (minute-taking, networking) - 担任该基金会在联合国人权理事会的代表

Research on human rights issues - 从事人权问题研究

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