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Liu Cheng's CV

Chinese historian and peace educator. An Professor at Nanjing University of China,where his teaching specialization includes Modern history and peace studies. He gained his PhD in 2001 for a thesis on the British Labour Party’s evolving policies on public ownership. Since 2001, he has been a leader of a British Council-funded programme of academic co-operation between Nanjing University and Coventry University, UK, in the field of peace studies. He wastheorganizer of4major international symposium on peace studies in China in 2005, 2011,2012and 2013.He is the pioneer to introduce peace studies as an academic discipline into Chinese universities and publications. His published works includes 8 books in Chinese, titles of which in translation are:

Clause IV: Public Ownership and British Labour Party(2003)

Britain: Transition from Great Power to EU Member-state(2005) 

Wars and the Negotiations(2005) 

Peace Studies(2006)

The Origin and Development of Social Democracy in Europe(2006)

The Process of World Modernization(2010)

Confrontation and Cooperation: The 20th Century's British Trade Union and Country(2011)

The British Modern Transformation and Remaking ofLabour Party(2013)

Dr Liu also a prolific translator, having recently published Chinese translations of works by Johan Galtung, Andrew Rigby and David P. Barash & Charles P. Webel. In 2009, he edited a set of three books, series on ‘growing up in peace’, for use in elementary, middle and high schools.

Address: History Department of Nanjing University, 210093 Nanjing City, China.

Email: liucheng@nju.edu.cn